Product Designer that codes.

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First, a little about myself–

I am a product designer with over a decade of designing and developing cohesive digital experiences and products for numerous brands. I am more of a binary artist than a simple designer. I've spent multiple years working within large and mid-range companies creatively building experiences that enhanced company outcomes. When not in the corporate environment I have also worked with various startup companies and small businesses in multiple sectors while offering design solutions to keep projects moving forward.

What I Do

See the vision. Build the experience.

I utilize stimulating visual communication, information architecture, user-friendly interfaces and wonderful digital interaction to transform basic URLs into truly unique brand experiences.

Probelm Solving through the medium of design.

Design is not just about creating amazing digital journys or enhanced visual aesthetic, it is also about resolving bottlenecks and stagnant user interaction to optimize paths to success while reaching end goals.

What I Deliver

Visual Design

Branding, Graphics, Style guides, Packaging, Print.

UI/UX Design

Research, Wireframes, Lofi and Hifi Mockups, Interactive Prototypes, User Journeys.


Web Applications, Brand Websites, Landing Pages, Microsites.


Industries I've Worked With:

  • Financial
  • Healthcare
  • Technology
  • Entertainment
  • Agencies
  • Cosmetics
  • Fashion
  • Music
  • Food & Drink
  • Construction
  • Automotive
  • Education
  • Wellness & Health
  • Agriculture
  • Gym & Fitness
  • Political

Featured Projects

As the owner of femPAQ the first thing people comment on is the packaging, the ooo's & ahhh's are always rewarding. He gave us exactly what we needed.

April Roy

CEO of femPAQ


Get in touch.

* I don't share your information with 3rd parties.

Need a quote?

Derek Johnston Design


(312) 608-4894

© 2021 Derek Johnston Design All rights reserved